Tuesday, January 31, 2006

this made me unnecessarily happy + i should be studying

What Famous Leader Are You?
personality tests by similarminds.com

Saturday, January 28, 2006

pajama (jammy) jam

So last night was the infamous Pajama (Jammy) Jam for one Julius West's birthday.


Haha. But I am glad I got my lazy ass out of my room and did something. Why did I feel like I saw a great chunk of the negro population of UNC there (and some of our non melanated allies of course). I saw people I haven't seen since like '03. Like Foster was there and so was Mary (Mary who?). I was so excited about that. Plus we even got Mrs. Ayofemi Kirby and Mrs. Tracey Steele to come out there in there jammies.

(I was not in my jammies).

No thats ok.

Anyways it wasn't too scandalous, which is what I feared. Although I must admit that certain of my friends were pushing the limits. But you know what, do what you do playettes. There were alot of unidentified negros (folks i didn't know/folks that didn't go to Chapel Hill) there. It was so crazy. I felt so short and small and I was like, ok you can't let me get kidnapped by some dude form Durham Tech. What? Yea that might be classism, but i'm just keeping it real.

Anyways, I basically went with one goal in mind and I accomplished it. Go me. And what is more I am proud to say that I accomplished it SOBER. Not one drinky drink was seen in my hand unless I was holding it for someone else. Go Jessie.

I rode up there with Kathryn, Chad, and Crystal, but I left with Tracey. That was a whole mess. I feel like Tracey was a little upset at the end and we ended up leaving one of the people she drove there with. So I don't know what all that was about. But anyways, thats how it ends sometimes.

All in all, I think it was definately worth my 1 dollar.

Good lookin out Dex, J. West, and B. Hodges.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

do want no drama

Jesus Louisus Francis!

What have I been doing with my life? *Le sigh.

I just want to say that boys suck.

There will be no explanation of the above statement, because both you and I are tired of hearing about the same problem over and over again. So whatever.

Anyways, this was probably one of the more chill weekends I have ever experienced. One of the best things I did was last night: Taylor and I watched more of the Oprah 20th Year Anniversary dvd and had vodka. It was great. Oprah has taught me so many things and I am so grateful for that. For example, Oprah keeps a diary of things that she is grateful for or that she has been blessed with. I think that it would be a good thing to start. She does five things a day, but since the day is not yet over i'm going to just do three.
1) I am grateful for my cellphone which is permanently glued to my hand/face.
2) I am grateful for my job at Student Stores, even if its only temporary.
3) I am grateful for my Biology 169 class because it is probably the most interesting science class i've taken at UNC.

Check back and see what i'm grateful for each time I write ok.

This week coming up is the first full week of school. Blah! I am not excited. I love school, but i'd gotten use to the three and four day weeks. But it will be different now that I don't have to work until close on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; i'll have time to be active on campus and be a person. I can catch up with people; I hate to lose touch with folks.

I am very proud of how well the diet is going. People don't freak out ok. Diet does not mean, stop eating. It just means that I keep on doing what I was doing at the start of the school year, but with improvements. For example, I am taking a multi-vitamin now because sometimes I don't get to sit down and eat three full meals a day. Since i'm a vegetarian, its just a good way to make sure I get my daily load of everything. I go to the gym at least four days a week and I'm doubling up on the water intake. So alls well thats going well.

I guess thats about it really. I guess now its time to get back to the neurobiology reading that i'm so grateful for.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

whoa.... i've been away for a while

Wow... so much has gone down since my hiatus. Oh its crazy folks.

Well Austin and I broke up... I think. You see i'm still confused because the jury is still out on whether we were ever truely together. Hmm... whatever. I don't quite know how I feel about it. I mean... I still like him, but its kind of like the Omar situation. I am able to step back and realize that it wasn't a good relationship or whatever. Sometimes you have to pay attention when your best friends veto your choice of significant other.

It does make me feel sorta sad and lonely though; especially with Valentine's Day right around the corner. But oh well....

School is in full swing and as per usual i'm stressed. I won't even go into details because it really doens't matter. I'm just tired... exhausted more like it.

Where is my life.

I am proud to say i'm back in the gym; although my dietary habits haven't neccesarily improved, I am proud to say that i've been sticking to my saving plan. So hopefully i'll have another 200 by the end of the month. That would be most appreciated.

Ok enough, time to get back to homeworking.