Monday, May 22, 2006

life is so weird... especially mine

So.... i've been freaking out pretty much since graduation. I mean its hard to be calm when your life seems to have no plan or purpose and all your friends are moving on. So basically since the 14th of May i've been alternating between sadness, depression, anger, envy, and hopelessness. Like I said... I was freakin out... majorly.


I think things are getting better. Granted I didn't get into any medical schools (I was put on the alternate list at ECU), but I was offered a post-bach program by Albert Einstein. Well by the time this information came in mail; i'd pretty much lost all hope. So I was angry and felt like I didn't want to do it. But i'm going to be a doctor by any means necessary. So... i'm going to do it. I'm going to do the post-bach program. YAY (I think). It's going to be quite an adventure. I'm going to a completely new place where i've never been and know NOONE! But perhaps that will be best... that means I can focus on my schoolwork and such. Well... we'll see how things work out. It's still and awfully long ways away and I have alot of loose ends to tie up. But my mom will probably be lenient with me because she knows how stressed I am so hopefully i'll be able to visit alot of my friends before I leave in July. Well... heres to it.

Wish me luck!


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