Wednesday, December 28, 2005

its that time again.....

Well we all knew that this would eventually happen. I'm away from Chapel Hill, back at home in Wilson, and......I'M BORED!

Ugh. It never fails. I'm ready to take my happy little butt back up to the Hill. Yes, i'm ready for all the stress and the drama. You know what I did today? Well I was woken up sometime before 8 am. I got up, fed the dog, and had breakfast. My aunt went outside to doing some yard work and I watched the crappy crap that is early morning tv (inspite of the fact that we have well over 300 channels). Then I lay on my right side and fell asleep on and off from 10 am to about 1 pm. At that point I got up, vaccuumed, washed a load of clothes, and cooked lunch for myself. Right now i'm chillin in the library on the computer because there is no internet at home.

Clearly... I need to get a life.But how does one go about that in such a town. I feel i've really outgrown my little hometown. Theres nothing wrong with it per say; i've just changed too much. I was thinking about it last night as I was happily spending my Wal-mart gift card: Wilson isn't diverse enough. In all the ways that matters its just sort of your typical, small NC town and thats not going to keep my mind active enough. I have to get out. Chapel Hill was but a step; I can clearly be sucked back in if i'm not careful. Its not paranoia people; it's a fact.

Oh well. I may be able to escape earlier than I thought. The dorms open back up the 8th, but I talked to one of my friends the other day and he said that I could come back early and crash with him. That'd be so wonderful because after the New Year everything slows down EXPONENTIALLY and i'll be so close to hurting myself it won't be funny.*sigh*Perhaps all I need is a book; something for me to do while I pass the mornings until soap opera watching time.

Speaking of: damnit, damnit, damnit! I missed One Life to Live Today AND I missed Oprah. *tear* I do not deserve to be in her presence; what kind of real fan misses the show three days in a row. Forgive me Oprah, for I know not what I do.Tee hee.

Ok well i've made myself feel better now.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

So... I thought I was going to go home today. Nope, nope, nope.Instead of going straight home once I finished my work, my aunt decided to stay and chill with one of her good friends who lives here. This led to her deciding to stay here for the night. Don't get me wrong, I love Mrs. Julie (her friend), but going to an adult Christmas party with them is not my idea of fun. Boo. So I called Kathy and asked if I could stay with her since I had a room extension. So here I am chillin with her. We're watching that CLASSIC movie "Dirty Dancing". We all know that we love it. Don't try and front.This is cool because Kathy and I hadn't really hung out alot this semester. We've both been busy, busy, busy little bees.I'm so tired though. My finals wiped me out. I need to check my grades, but I just don't want too. I really hope I have a B in neurobiology. That final was horrid. My final in Poli 73 will reflect the fact that I just didn't care by that time. So excited to get back to Wilson tomarrow and more importantly to my nice queen sized bed. Oh the excitement is uncontrollable.Ok well this entry is kinda wack, so i'll stop.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

through the trial of fire i am reborn

And by fire I mean sickness and stress.

Yes my dears it is that time again. It is finals time. Two down and one more to go for me. I think I might have overestimated my powers of multitasking (which are considerable) because I feel like between my TWO jobs and trying to write 10 essays I just don't have time to breathe or think. It's showing because i've been sick with a random cold for almost a week and a half. That is not good. Plus, i'm pretty sure i've just stopped eating at this point. It's getting bad; today I had a muffin and water for breakfast, for lunch i had part of a salad, orange juice, and a forkful of pasta, and for dinner I had jalapeno chips and coffee. Speaking of coffee... I need to run to the Union and get a refill before 9:30. Yes, yes I am on a caffeine schedule. Its quite sad actually.

Anyways, but yea. So finals always gives me a cold because stress depresses your immune system. I don't know why; you'd think that would be a time when your that immune system goes into overload to protect you. Oh well.... such is biology. Oh lets not even discuss my neurobiology test. I don't want to think about it. All I know is that I need a 73 to get a B in the class and we're lighting candles and praying that I got that. But positive thoughts.

Ugh. I had a small panic attack last/this morning. I just don't know if i'm going to be able to get all these essays done. Plus there are two topics that really confuse me and i'm scared she's going to pick those two to put on teh test. (Oh did I mention she posted 10 topics and she is chosing three for us to write on?) The good thing is I can write everything out ahead of time and just copy it down the day of the final. *sigh* Yea i've already decided i'm not going to go to sleep tonight. I mean really... what would be the point? I'm only on essay 2 of 10 right now. At least I have an outline of some type for most of them. Ugh, ugh, ugh. I love this class (Poli 73: Politics of Sexuality", but damn Conover. This final is a little ridiculous.

Oh well, I feel better now that i've ranted. Now its time to choke down another Vitamin C, blow my nose, and get back to work.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

sometimes being a senior causes stress... and other times... well it just pretty much always causes stress

So once again I let my alcoholic tendencies get way, way too out of hand. Let us begin this sad story then shall we? So Thursday was the Senior Bar Crawl (oh no). I rolled out there with Brandon and Derwin. So we were late as per usual and got to the first stop late. The senior marshalls and Bobby were about to roll out. So we moved to the next place which was Yates. So we get in there and Derwin, Brandon, and I have Irish Carbombs (my first time). Not a bad drink, but i'm not a beer person so I have no real desire to repeat the experience. Anyways, then Bobby suggests to we go next door to Avalon (yes shady, ghetto Avalon) to get nickel drinks. I'm up for it so we do so. Really, one of my stature should NOT drink three and a half mixed drinks in the span of 20 minutes. Why so little time you may ask? Because we were on a mission.... apparently a mission to get plastered.

Now at this point I probably should have just stopped drinking, but no because the night was young and at 11:00 pm we moved to Spankys. Lordy, lordy hot messed ensured. Apparently C. Lee and Derwin had some words and Derwin's feelings were hurt and so I spent a good chunk of time convincing him not to leave. Which thankfully he did not do. There were other out of line conversations, but for the sake of protecting the not so innocent I shall leave out the specifics. I met what seemed to me at least ten more senior marshalls that I did not know existed. Of course during all of this I was nursing a cute littel rum and coke (where did that come from?) and running to people I hadn't talked to since freshmen year. Example of this would be my friend Joey Hester who was a Ehaus-ite from first year. He will come into play later on int he story. Of course no night would be complete without some drunk dialing so I think I called my best friend Loretta and woke her up. Fun stuff. I also got a call from Austin that he was somewhere along the route and I assured him that I would run into him eventually.

So a very drunk and loud group left Spanky's and went to the Library. What? Yes, and there I caught up with my friend Jason Warner and lost my friend Tommy Rimbach (i'm going to assume he made it home ok even though as of this moment I haven't seen him since that time). Anyways, I did not drink in the Library. That was good because I was beyond good, in fact I was great (not really). It was at this point that I realized I was a little drunker than what i wanted to be, which was unfortunate. Anyways, so its a good time in the library. I see some more folks I haven't seen in awhile. Joey (from before) he and I proceed to dance and he gets me (but I want to emphasized how drunk I was and how littel space there was), but trust next time I see him the challenge is on. Anyways though lets move on.

Ok so for some reason Brandon needs a burrito from Cosmic, so he drags me along. All of a sudden i'm chatting with the random bartender (who also is a first year Ehaus-ite) and I have a margarita in my hand. Bad Jessica, bad bad bad. Anyways, so after Jose Cuervo (Brandon) finishes his food we head to the last stop of the night, Linda's. You know.. I think it was at this point that I lost Derwin (or he lost me). Anyways, but Linda's was chill because I didn't drink (except water) and I finally found Austin. Austin was with his friend (whose name I have forgotten). Towards the end of the night, Brandon came up to me and was like "ok i'm going... you should go too." Ok let me explain to you the point of having a guy best friend: your job is to be proactive and when you see my drunk ass, you need to take me by the arm and drag me off and put me on the p2p". Bad job Brandon, you get a C- for the evening. Anyways, I catch a ride with Austin and his friend. Definately needed that good help or I woulda probably been in trouble, but it was all good cause Austin was there.

Anyways, lets just say I got back to my room at 8 something and was STILL drunk. I went to breakfast with Kathryn and Brandon the next day and continued to be drunk. Ok lets just make a long story short and say it took me until Saturday morning to feel completely recovered from Thursday nights drunkenness. But why am I so serious. I felt HORRIBLE all day Friday. I just kept pumping water into my body and I ate four small meals because I was literally afraid to put more than a few bites of food into my stomach. Ugh.

Well one exciting thing about Friday was that I went to see the Nutcracker in Memorial Hall. I went with my roommate Arthi who didn't know anything about it. It was really good ya'll. And Memorial Hall is really, really pretty. Thats definately a perk of being a senior: Memorial Hall just opened and I get to enjoy it before it becomes crappy again from inconsiderate people. Nice, nice.

Saturday was a workaholic day. I got up at 9:30 a.m. and did homework all day. I left the room for food and to go to the library to look up some sources for paper 1 of 4 that is due sometime this week. Wonderful. Isn't senior year suppose to be relaxing? Yea right is what my professors are saying apparently.

That brings us up to today. I got up early again to do homework. I accomplished alot, but there is plenty to be done. I have two meetings today as per usual and I have to work form 9 until midnight. I feel like I probably won't go to bed until 3 because I HAVE to finish my neurobiology paper and finish doing the preliminary stuff for my spanish paper. I really want to bang out a rough draft at the very least, but we'll see abotu that. Time at work (after Desperate Housewives) will be devoted to studying neurobiology since that is the first final I have. Thanks UNC for no reading day.

Anyways enough complaining, i'm off!