Sunday, January 22, 2006

do want no drama

Jesus Louisus Francis!

What have I been doing with my life? *Le sigh.

I just want to say that boys suck.

There will be no explanation of the above statement, because both you and I are tired of hearing about the same problem over and over again. So whatever.

Anyways, this was probably one of the more chill weekends I have ever experienced. One of the best things I did was last night: Taylor and I watched more of the Oprah 20th Year Anniversary dvd and had vodka. It was great. Oprah has taught me so many things and I am so grateful for that. For example, Oprah keeps a diary of things that she is grateful for or that she has been blessed with. I think that it would be a good thing to start. She does five things a day, but since the day is not yet over i'm going to just do three.
1) I am grateful for my cellphone which is permanently glued to my hand/face.
2) I am grateful for my job at Student Stores, even if its only temporary.
3) I am grateful for my Biology 169 class because it is probably the most interesting science class i've taken at UNC.

Check back and see what i'm grateful for each time I write ok.

This week coming up is the first full week of school. Blah! I am not excited. I love school, but i'd gotten use to the three and four day weeks. But it will be different now that I don't have to work until close on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; i'll have time to be active on campus and be a person. I can catch up with people; I hate to lose touch with folks.

I am very proud of how well the diet is going. People don't freak out ok. Diet does not mean, stop eating. It just means that I keep on doing what I was doing at the start of the school year, but with improvements. For example, I am taking a multi-vitamin now because sometimes I don't get to sit down and eat three full meals a day. Since i'm a vegetarian, its just a good way to make sure I get my daily load of everything. I go to the gym at least four days a week and I'm doubling up on the water intake. So alls well thats going well.

I guess thats about it really. I guess now its time to get back to the neurobiology reading that i'm so grateful for.


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