Tuesday, January 17, 2006

whoa.... i've been away for a while

Wow... so much has gone down since my hiatus. Oh its crazy folks.

Well Austin and I broke up... I think. You see i'm still confused because the jury is still out on whether we were ever truely together. Hmm... whatever. I don't quite know how I feel about it. I mean... I still like him, but its kind of like the Omar situation. I am able to step back and realize that it wasn't a good relationship or whatever. Sometimes you have to pay attention when your best friends veto your choice of significant other.

It does make me feel sorta sad and lonely though; especially with Valentine's Day right around the corner. But oh well....

School is in full swing and as per usual i'm stressed. I won't even go into details because it really doens't matter. I'm just tired... exhausted more like it.

Where is my life.

I am proud to say i'm back in the gym; although my dietary habits haven't neccesarily improved, I am proud to say that i've been sticking to my saving plan. So hopefully i'll have another 200 by the end of the month. That would be most appreciated.

Ok enough, time to get back to homeworking.


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