Tuesday, May 24, 2005

and the people rejoiced


Alls well, that ends well. People I am officially on my way to Mexico!!! Blessings from heaven, hell, or somewhere inbetween have been rained down on me and I got the money I needed to go! Actually, it came from my family members far and wide. So i'm very thankful to them all for loving me and investing in me! So look out Guadalajara, here comes Jessica.

They are simply not ready!

At least thats one worry behind me because I was beyond stressed about it. Now the stress has been transfered to my mom who is worried because she won't be able to keep in daily contact with me. She wants me to call US Cellular and find out if I can get my phone changed over to international, but I think that would be more trouble than is worth. And if you've been reading my other livejournal you know that she loves to call me up at like 7 in the morning to check on me. Well she won't be able to do that for two months. But i've promised to email her at least twice a week, so hopefully once i'm down there and settled she'll feel better.

As for me I feel fine, a bit nervous though. I've never even been off the eastern US coast, much less out of the country. I still have a million things to do, but i'm looking forward to traveling. I LOVE airports and I LOVE to fly. I don't get to do it very often, but when I do I adore it. I like airports so busy and calm all at once. Its a great place to people watch which is a special hobby of mine.

At any rate, only about two more weeks of wide-awake left and then its off to parts unknown. Don't worry, I shall try to keep fairly consistent updates here as well. So stay tuned my loyal fans!!!

Friday, May 20, 2005

bad thoughts

You know.... sometimes I think that ignorance really is bliss. When I was younger I didn't realize some of the things about my mom/my family that I do now. And TRUST... I was alot happier.

Now I understand our precise socioeconomic level and all the stress my mom is dealing with. And sometimes I feel like a big burden. *sigh* After all it takes alot of money to send a kid to college, ESPECIALLY with all the extra stuff I do. Thats why I just have to get a second job this year coming up. *sigh* All this comes from the Mexico trip. My mom's parent loan got denied so now all the money that we needed has to come from the family. *sigh* And i'm stressed out and my mom is stressed out. I feel very selfish, but I want to go and I feel I need to go.


oh boo.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

home again, home again where for art thou home again

Well i'm home in Wilson again after a grueling semester. Ugh! I am so glad to put it behind me I could do backflips. But i'll leave that sort of things to my son, Garrett. I did very well this semester... 3 A's and 2 B's. My semester gpa was the third highest its ever been and my overall gpa rose a bit. Not a lot, but every little bit help.

Home has made me lazy beyond a fault. All I do is get up, watch tv, drink water, read books, and sleep. And thats boring. And I want to kill myself. I'm still working on my personal statement and somewhere in there i'm going to put the fact that i need to keep my mind busy and active all the time. I'm about to go crazy. Tell me this... why is financial aid trying to play my face right now? Why haven't they put the money they gave me onto my account so I can get my stupid little refund and buy my freakin plane ticket. Jesus Mary Buddha and Allah that plane ticket is going to be so expensive. I could have gotten it for like $500 if they had been quick about it. Now i'm sure it'll be closer to $650 or even $700. Bastards. Communist bastards at that!!

Anyways, as I said it was a good semester; one might say great. The classes were good and inspite of the stresses I would say I came out on top! I'm going to Mexico (no matter what my family says) and I made lots of new friends. But sadly I did loose touch with some old friends and that makes me sad. I hope that when Kathryn gets back our little trio can catch up. *sigh* It is SO hard being popular. You just have no idea the burden of being well liked and respected. I don't think thats vanity speaking, I think its the truth. I like to be liked and respected; who doesn't? At any rate though I don't know how often I shall be updating this summer. We'll have to see how the internet is down in Guadalajara. I hope I can update at least twice a month, I want to say once a week but that could be pushing it. We shall see, we shall see.

Anyways I'd best get back to yelling at UNC's financial aid people.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

weekend warrior (not really)

So.... classes are over. It is now Sunday. I have a final on Monday and a final on Tuesday. Am I prepared for either? Hahahahaha. Am I close to being prepared for either? Hahahahahaha. Yea lets keep it moving.

Anyways so why don't we start with Thursday. Ok did the usual Thursday thing which is class (I hate Dr. Deborah Bender and we are in a blood feud, if you want to know more hit that good IM). Anyways so then I fucked around until it was time for the GLBTSA meeting. It was the last one of the year and attendence was a must since Julian, Pooja, and Garrett were performing. You know they should just get a name for their group since they've become so popular. And Destiny's Child is already taken! (in case any of them read this post). But I digress....

So the meeting was great. We took care of a few agenda items and then moved onto the fun part of the "show". Julian hosted and did a fabulous job. He was like Oprah (and thats high praise); just the right amount of comedy and empathy. Delovely. The trio did a dance number and it was hot. Go Pooja! Go Julian! Go Son! Get it ya'll. Then we had a lil reflection part where everyone told their favorite part of the year. So that was good; kinda sad, the seniors got gifts. Aww.... no more '05. Ah well.... here comes '06 (that 3+3!!!!) The meeting wrapped up with one more dance number from the trip and it was hot. Whoever did that mix gets mad props.

Ok so after the meeting dispersed, it was time to go to the '06 Preparty at Goldies. I had to gather the troops as they say, but since I had no phone... oh wait I didn't explain that? I digress again..... woooooooo

Ok so the pink phone aka Frescha broke last week. It was a tragedy. I don't know how it happened, but lets just say she's out for the year and probably the summer too. So I had to send her to US Cellular to get repair. Well I always keep an old phone w/me that I can activate for just such an occasion. As such, I had old Boy Blue (phone before Frescha) so I wanted to get him activated. Well after 6 calls to the US Cellular help line I determined i'd have to go to a US Cellular dealer. The only problem with this plan is that THERE ARE NO US CELLULAR DEALERS IN THE FUCKING TRIANGLE!!! And that is why I will be switching to Cingular as soon as this stupid contract is up. But lets get back to Thursday shall we?........ woooooooooo

Ok so I called Brandon on Bernard's phone and got that set up. Now.... lets do a bit more of a backstory on Bernard. Maybe its the end of the year, but he's been riding my nerve lately. And the end of the year with finals and friends graduating always stresses me out. So i've been keeping these feelings to myself mostly because it isn't worth having a fight and then being mad all summer about it, ya know? So yea.... but lets go through a quick friendship rule: don't EVER compare me to another absent friend, as if i'm just ur temporary replacement for said person. I mean is that respectful? Think about it, take a second. Moving on, I went to my room and somehow Reggie, Bernard, and Garrett came to be there. Yea... well I was still in a pissy mood, so I told them to go on with Bernard and then I went to Brandon's room. Well he drank and I watched. We were suppose to go with Femi over to Goldies, but she wasn't ready in time and she told us to go on.

Ok get to Goldies and things haven't picked up yet. Brandon disappears into the crowd and I go to mingle. I find my boys and say hello, then I criss cross my way across the bar to greet everyone else i know. And that is pretty much the story of the night for the next hour. I'm just hopping from island to island of people, mingling and such. Of course I take time to sample the free cuisine that is available (you know negros). But then the DJ starts playing some music thats good, so I return to the dance area. Garrett and I are excited because we are waiting for them to play "Wait". While doing so I see lots of people breaking it down and being hype (Mr. Bobby Whisnant) to name a few. Anyways so I get to see people I NEVER see on campus like Tiffany, Lauren, and Mary. So that was hot. THEN IT HAPPENS!! WAIT COMES ON!!! Haha... first I dance with Garrett and we have to pop it for a good minute. Then I dance with Brandon. But no because the night for Brandon and I is "Back that Thang Up". We were unnecessary to say the least and I think I hurt my back. I'm not laughing because its not funny.

Anyways after that Brandon wants to leave and since we're attached at the hip I make my exit as well. On that way back Brandon is just unnecessary. I can't even describe the situation. All I am going to say it "Vel Dowdy Does the Negro Spirituals". That is it.

Ok... so lets skip ahead in time to Friday night! Yay last day of class! Boo to rain! I mean... can I get sun the last day of classes please? Ok whatever. Friday night meant the Concepts Show and the Moat Party. So I go to the Concepts show with Angelia, Alecia, Greg, and Brandon. Brandon had been drinking, but only enough so that his comments are amusing. Yea... out of lineness reigned this weekend. Anyways, so we get there and I see Lashaun working the camera and rocking the refugee look. (Now keep this detail in mind because it will be important later) He wants to go the moat party and i'm like hey i'll meet you there. So yayness I thought. Anyways Concepts was good as usual, I really liked the New York scene. That was hot. Go Joseph! You better rule the stage!!

After the show ended, Brandon and I ghosted like crackheads back to Brandon's room to drink. So we're doing that and its fun. Yay vokda and orange juice and whatever else I mixed in. See... I really need to start reading what i'm drinking. It could be poison next time. So i'm feeling the buzz and I make one more drink for the road. I'm ready to go, but Brandon is on the phone with one of his friends. And he's like.... ok... imma meet you there. He gives me his phone and says he'll call me when he's on his way. O....k...... whatever. So I leave and catch that good p2p. Getting to Franklin was a mess... drunk white people i tell ya. Moving on I get to the moat party (at this point i've finished that drink for the road) and i'm walking around. Ok so my mind is thinking 2 things: find derwin.... find philip (yes he's back ladies and gents). So I go inside the house... no Derwin, but I do have a cup of liquer from one of the Chi Psi brother's room. Then I go back outside. And I see mad people.... why was it a damn BGP? Not that integration!!!! Hahahaha. Let me get my life right though.

Anyways so then I see Robert (Philip's best bud) and i'm like "YES!!" So I stumble over to him and ask him where Philip is.... why did that fool not know. Ugh, so useless. Ok... so then I continue my search. While doing this I find Bernard and Charlie. Bernard is upset... I find out he was mad because he had to take care of someone that got to drunk at a earlier part he was at. I pat him on the shoulder, but my mind is like "FIND PHILIP!!" So off I go. It is at this point that people start calling Brandon's phone.... I don't know who exactly, but people none the less. Ok... so anyways as I'm walking along the brick pathway by the moat, I see PHILIP!!! GOOOOOOAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!! Haha! So I go up and greet him and he's drunk and happy to see me. Which is not unusual. Then we hug and kiss and thats gravy. Ok now this is where an earlier detail is important. Lashaun calls me and says he's by the path near the corner of the house, which I assume to be the opposite corner from me. So i'm like "ok i'll be there". Then Philip starts talking about something, but i'm not really paying attention to him cause my ADD has kicked in. Anyways then he's like I need to find Robert and i'm like he's inside the house. So we go and find Robert. Then it becomes time to take pictures.... so we're doing that and somehow my glasses are not on face anymore. Then Lashaun calls and he's like "where are you?" And i'm like "I don't know... I can' t see." I'm sure there was more to the convo, but i've forgotten it. (Now this detail is important later) So he's like cool, i'm leaving. And I felt bad, but ADD kicked in again and i was off.

Basically most of the night was a cycle of me running around in and outside the house seeing various folks. Sadly, at the end of the night Philip went off with some wack ass red head and Brandon showed up and Garrett and I had to take him back home. So that was pretty much it for that night except for my pissiness over the failure of the Philip mission.

Well Satuday I got up early and studied (literally thats all that happened). My phone did not arrive so I am not a person. Today is Sunday and I was up early again (after 4 hrs sleep) to study. Now i'm in Davis and thats where I shall remain til Spanish notes are memorized and all stories/poems (w/exception of novels) reread.


1. accidentally ditched lashaun
2. not raping philip when i had the chance
3. not drowning red head in pool (just kidding, haha)

1. concepts
2. kissing philip
3. brandon randomness
4. free wendy's fries in charde's room after moat party
5. discovering garrett can life up me and charlie at the same time and carry brandon over his shoulder

All in all i'll give this past weekend a 7.5, 8.