Saturday, January 22, 2005

the craziness just never stops!!

Hey so i'm back! I been gone for a minute and now i'm back with the jump off! Except, i'm not going around giving orders to shoot people like Lil Kim. Oh wait... did I say that.... i'm so wrong. Anyways though. Lots has happened, but only the events of most importance shall make it here.

So.... of course I got up with the fam and we all went to Legends not this weekend, but last weekend. That was, as usual, a mess. A hot mess in the good way. Ok... so Thursday my RA invited me to go to Legends and subsequently outed himself to me. So that was cute for him and cute for me. So we made plans to talk about it Saturday afternoon. So here comes good old Saturday and I get myself all cute (green collared shirt - popped, new jeans I just bought over holiday, and Tims, and I had the hair nicely fixed) and go down to my RAs room. Ok so he proceeds to neurotically get ready and then fix and redo his hair for a good half hour. I was too amused... or what that just the liquer? Maybe.... hmmm. Anyways so then Papi (Bernard) picked me up and we got Garrett and Justin and went to Reggie's apartment. There we proceedd to "pregame" even though I was already nice and good. So lets just say by the time we got to Legends I wasn't feeling the cold at all. I was great. I was juts happy to be there.

So Legends was fun as usual. We met new people! The most important person is Anthony. Anthony is a cheerleader at state and he's in Army ROTC. Anthony is hot! I mean... if looks could set fire he'd be a flame! And he likes Garrett and Garrett likes him. I think they are really cute together. Whats more both the parents and the Uncle (Bernard, Julian, an dI) approve of him. He's really nice too and funny. So thats great! Of course afterwards we went to IHOP! And that was great. At the end of the night I saw them sneak a kiss... and then Garrett covered it up. People asked if he had gotten Anthony's number and he was like 'no' when in reality he had. But he told me and I felt special to be in the know.

Moving on with the week. The week was annoying. I feel like I could have done so much better in all of my classes. I need to get my life together. And things are only going ot get busier because my Kaplan course starts next week. Oh scratch that.. I just checked and it started today. Wow. I need to get my life right. I need to call the center and find out what is going on then. Anyways so nest Thursday came and I attend a bday party for John Hairston. It was OOC.

First off the apartment is cute, but its far away. So I rode there with Charlie Odom, Garrett, Ben (Charlie's boyfriend), and Justin. That was nice. I was sad because Bernard couldn't be there. He was sick. Boo hoo. But he would have had a good time because like me he would have been to amused at the antics of some of these people. In fact, I can't wait til he gets his voice back because TRUST I was his opinion on it all. Yea but my critical eye (even though i got intoxicated later) was all around the room. I saw Shane being Shady... I saw my friend Adam all up on someone... I saw many things. Trevor's stilettos were NOT as high as mine (actually they may have been the same height) and for that i'm so glad. I'm in a competition with him. Yes a guy was wearing stilettos... but if you knew Trevor it would be so natural to you! And about this I am so serious. Trevor amuses me as a person... watching him and his facial expressions is like watching someone on a sitcom.

Anyways lets move on. So I decided I wanted to wear stilettos (pink ones) and they were hot. Everyone complemented them. I was so happy. My self esteem stock rose about 3000%! Moving on... everyone was drunk and happy for hte most part. There were a few people. I would say that drama was going down, but drama was in the air. I'm not one to blow up someone's spot, but I want people to get their lives together. I mean.... if someone doens't want you... move on. NEVER EVER will I let someone steal my sunshine. Oh no... not wen i've paid my $3 for a freakin cup. Oh heck to the hell of no!!

But lets continue to move on. Friday night there was a party by the NPHC and they were all there. So of course I had to show my face. I went to a late lunch/early dinner with Brandon and then we returned to his room where I picked out his outfit. Actually I feel like i picked out about three. Anyways his room was a time bomb ready to go off so I also cleaned out that grimy corner of his and folded stuff in his closet. I'm sure of course that its a pig pen in there again now. Anyways so we pregame in Angelia's room w/Angelia, Nikki, Kristen, Demia, and Joe. So hoorah for that. Nothing like drinking with frinds. Oh wait... also Alecia came, but she doesn't drink. Ok first, lets address how Brandon and I got left by the P2P. Let address how I lost hte $20 I was suppose ot pay for my ticket with and Brandon had to get money out of the atm to buy our tickets. Lets address how every black person at unc and white person who's in the know (basically CNN the Carolina Negro Network) will think Brandon and I are together because our drunk asses were falling over each other in the street. I would like to not get hit by a car. Lets get our lives together. Thats not cute. I hate that though.

Sorry... time for an aside in this already hella long update. Explain to me why it feels like people are always all up in my business here at Carolina? Especially when half the people in CNN (and GSPAN/GNN but this doens't relate) don't have their shit together. It makes me so mad sometimes. Thats why noone can have a relationship because everyone is worried about how they look in front of everyone else.

Ok back to the storyline. OMG... why am I tired of updating right now? I need to get it together. So anyways Brandon and I FINALLY got it together and made it in. It was as usual full of negros. I saw everyone an that was fun. We caught up with Joe, Angelia, and all those folks. I saw all my Greek friends like Tyrell, B. Hodges, Ron, Daniel, Greg, etc etc etc. I also saw Trey and Tracey and Kristen and all sorts of folks up in there. I finally caught a glimpse of Lashaun. He was there in his green blazer doing the dang thing! I've missed the phenomenon that is a Lashaun Price dance exclusive. It was wonderous. So a little later, I left to go to another party at Garrett Hall and Michael Jerch's house (facebook them if it pleases you). I walked down Cameron and all the way to Merritt Mill. I was sober, but still tipsy enough to wear hte cold was bearable. I primarily went to get my coat back that I left there 2 months ago and the Fall Ball afterparty! Thats crazy, but yea. I got there and OMG why was EVERYONE there? I don't know. Ok I saw Julian (oh boy make ya ass vibrate), Adam, Garrett, Anthony, Christina, Garrett Hall, Gray Morgan, Curtis, Forrest (who was cracked out), Zachary, Andy, Clarisse, Bobby Emerson, Michael Jerch, Chris Locklear, John Hairston, Charlie, Ben, Reggie, Alex Ferrando, and Jared Caldwell. There were lots more cause that little apartment was packed! It was a fire hazard up in there. It was likely a gay amistad basically w/a few of us heteros sprinkled in.

Anyways so then I had to walk home. There was some slight drama but its so if I talk about it may get mad again and I want to keep it inside. So i'm goin to do that because no use saying something I can't take back. I'm not gonna speak (or in this case write) more evil into the world. But what I shall do next entry is try and do some more descriptions of my friends. I mean, you can facebook someone but do you really know them? Think about it... take a second.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

happily back on the Hill

Welcome back, welcome back, welcome baack!

I'm back on the Hill and the school year has begun! Today was the first day of classes. I only had two, spanish 72 and english 84. Classes were fine; it was just such a nice day I didn't want to be inside. Tomarrow I have bio 63 and my apples course. Today I had to wake up early because I had to be at work at the bookstore at 8 am. I got up, got myself dressed (real cute cause it was after all the first day back on the Yard) and went to breakfast. I made it to Lenoir at exactly 7:30 am which gave me just enough time to get an omlet, grapes, and water and finish up in time to be 10 minutes early to work. OMG! I hate working there, but we shall get to that later. I was tired needless to say.

Like I said I went to class and at 12 pm I was done. I went out into the Pit/Yard area and greeted folks. I was happy to see everyone's smiling face. Awww... I miss Kathy. Actually, she left me a msg this morning on AIM. When I get my phoen back tomarrow I will holla at her. Oh wait, wait I must take a sidetrip. My phone is off. So let me explain. Back when the break first started I took my flip phone to US Cellular because it got no reception ANYWHERE! I mean, I really should have more than one bar when i'm standing in the middle of the Pit. Anyways though they told me it would take 8 wks to get it back. I'm pissed, but whatever. I get an old phone activated and go about my merry business. So of course the day today my mom called and said they called to say my phone was ready. So my mom wonderful lady that she is went and got it reactivated which of course deactivated the phone I had with me. But my mommy is sending it overnight mail to me so it should be here tomarrow afternoon or Friday at the latest. That is great because i'm going tobe needing my phone this weekend. But I can't get off track, I must get back to the main storyline.

So I had lunch at 12 with Reggie and Garrett. My son (Garrett) was looking so cute today. He was rocking that seafoam and as we all know seafoam is about to BLOW UP!! Ya'll besta catch this fashion wave! Anyways after lunch Garrett had to go to class and Reggie and I went and got our bracelets for the next distribution. At 2 pm I had to go to work. I was scheduled for 2 pm-5pm. Ok, so I go up there to work and it is SWELTERING!! Omg! Why was it so hot and dry upstairs today? We had to pull online orders and those books were so so so heavy. It felt like my arms/upper back were coming apart!!! I'm so upset at that. And of course we were behind so students would come up and get an attitude. I had to get out of there. On the plus note I saw Lashaun, Quinton, and Adam so they made me smile a bit.

I came back to my room and I was in a foul mood. Like I was pissy and I was in pain. I took three tylenol! So I put up an ugly away msg and Brandon IMs me to see whats the matter. We chitchat for a bit and somehow the conversation got turned around to the column our friend Derwin wrote in today's edition of the Daily Tarheel (Derwin Dubose... read it if you haven't already). Brandon said he disagreed with what Derwin had said and I was like "Well you're wrong". Kind of mean, but I have a problem censoring myself when i'm upset. So then he got made and had an attitude as well and we both logged off angrily. Well an argument with your best friend is never uplifting so not only was I pissy, I was sad as well.

I had plans to meet up with members of the Fam plus Julian plus others so I had to get ready. I must say I looked quite nice. I had on a gray shirt with a white and gray collared shirt underneath, my new low-rise jeans, and my new pink stilettos. It was hotness and my peeps at dinner said so. Anyways I forgot that tonight was a game night (us v. Georgia Tech and we won) so there was no bus. I had to WALK in those shoes all the way from Craige North to Franklin. My feet are mad at me. But anyways the group ended up being Julian, Bernard, Gary, Pooja, Clarisse, Brittany, Garrett, Wes, and myself. We went to Spanky's and Julian paid. I love having a friend whose dad is rich. Its wonderful for my appettite.

Afterwards we all went to Alpine to digest and watch the last bit of the game. But of course there was drama. I'm not into blowing up people's spots, but relationships at UNC are way to complicated is all I have to say. But the people involved have good intentions so I hope everything turns out ok.


One never knows.

When I came back I was feeling much better and when Brandon IMed me I apologized. He apologized too so we're friends again!! Haha... that sounded so middle school right there.

Oh and shoutout to my RA Justin who after tonight just got kicked up to the coolest, bestest RA i've ever had.

Now I must get back to this spanish essay. I would read for my English 84 class but my body is exhausted and I want to hit up the SRC tomarrow morning.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

stress before school

Still trying to get all this mess straight to start off the spring semester. On the bright side of things I called and my NEW glasses will be ready tomarrow. Which is wonderful cause as i've said before (I think) these grandma glasses are broken and they hurt my nose when I wear them. In addition, i've finally gotten my classes straightened out... at least in theory. I have three possibly classes I can stick in my schedule to replace the one i'm going to have to drop and i've found an open lab for my honors science class. Whew. I just hope that by signing up as early as possibly my financial aid will get straightened out. I keep checking on studentcentral and they have not applied my Pogue Scholarship. I'm really on a timecrunch because the balance of my MCAT course MUST be paid 10 days before the class starts... so yea. Cross your fingers everyone and hope it all works out. Still no cellphone. I called the US Cellular people to see what was up and why was the lady that picked up the phone so rude. There is no need to treat a paying customer (well daughter of said paying customer) in such a manner. Thats why they will surely be losing my business once my contract is up. Goodbye US Cellular and hello Cingular. Thats all I have to say about that.

Oh well... only 5 more days and i'll be back on the Hill. Hoorah! And yay for returning to where the heart is!

ps. my laptop doesn't want to get down with dialup so i'll be on hiatus until Sunday. Cya then!

Sunday, January 02, 2005

weird dream

I had the oddest dream last night. I dreamt that I was at my house when I looked outside the window and this very hot police officer (no it wasn't that type of dream) knock on my door. He said there had been a terrorist threat to my area and that they suspected it would happen soon so they were evacuating the area. Well I rushed to my room and packed some clothes. My Aunt Janice, mom, and Edwin came home and packed up too and then we got in the truck and followed the officers away. Ok then somehow we got to a room and I had to go through this door. Behind the door was this like virtual world and all of a sudden I had powers and I was fighting the terrorists... or trying too. It was really odd and I think some more stuff happened, but I don't remember. I guess thats what I get for eating all that candy just before bed.

Anyways though. Today was interesting. I woke up and mom was like "Are you going to church?" And at first I thought it was like a trap or a joke because she's asked me that before and when I say no she laughs and makes me go anyways. Well today I said yes because I figured she was gonna do that and then I quickly was like no. And she was like, ok... well can you sweep off the porch before you take Edwin to the mall? And I was like sure. And so thats what i'm going to do. Edwin can't drive because he's grounded basically, but mom wants him to buy some clothes and she can't take him after she gets back from church because she has to work at a funeral. So Ed and I will be headed off to the mall at 1. I had breakfast so I need time for the stomach to go down, to take a little nap, and to get my shower on. Haha.

How about Aunt Shirley (she came down from New York) gave me $50 for Christmas!! Actually though, since the Victoria Secret Semi-Annual sale starts Monday I think I will be using it there. You gotta have at least 50 buckos for that... always, always. But today I think that I shall be purchasing my shoes i've been eyeing in Proffitts for the longest time and possibly another pair in whatever that shoe store is called beside TJ Maxx... hmmm. Anyways though, let me get my nap on so I can be refreshed for this latest shopping excursion.

welcome to a new year

Its 2005! Whoo! Yea! Boogie down!

New Years Eve/Day was fun. My family is its entirety plus friends came to celebrate. My family always has a party on New Years eve and I was always too young to go, but this year I went and I took Loretta with me. There was food and drinks and people galore! We were packed up in my Aunt Bessie Marie and Uncle Willie's house. I stuffed myself.. quite literally. The next day my stomach muscle's ached from being stretched so far. It was also the first time I had pork in over a year and I have to say it was tasty. But no more of that for another year probably. I don't really miss it, but how often do you get home cooked food? Nope it was definately not a time to be choosy.

Why is my family so loud? Haha. See and people wonder why i'm loud and always yelling across the Pit. Its in my blood ya know? But yea. All my aunts and uncles were there, plus my cousins, and bunch of their various friends. Well at about 10 oclock Loretta and I headed back to my house. We went in my room first and surfed the net and then at 11 pm we started to watch Dick Clark's New Years Eve. We continued to eat and laugh and talk. That girl is a trip. I will never forget "spontaneous hype". There was alot of that at the New Years approached. Finally though the hour struck 12 am and we welcomed in 2005! I called Lashaun, Kathy, and Brandon (but not in that order). Kathy was in Charlotte with our mutual friend C. Lee at a party celebrating the New Year. I was happy for them. For my part, i'm not a big New Years person so after i'd made all the calls and wished everyone well I was ready for bed. I fixed my computer for Loretta and then I wrapped my hair and laid down to sleep. TELL ME WHY I WOKE UP THIS MORNING AND THAT GIRL HAD STOLEN ALL THE COVER???? She had me straight freezing in my own room IN MY OWN BED!!! And then she denied it.

Saturday morning was a trip. In my small four bedroom, one bathroom house there was my little brother Edwin, Loretta, my mom, Aunt Shirley, Aunt Janice, my lil cousins Laura, Alaina, Naomi, and myself. Breakfast, needless to say was a madhouse. I ate last as always because I had to serve all my cousins and my mom and clean up inbetween. But somehow Aunt Janice, Laura, and I put together a breakfast of sausage and bacon (for those who wanted it), eggs, grits, pancakes, coffee, orange juice, and apple juice. It was nice if I do say so myself and I do say so.

Later this afternoon, all my cousins, Aunt Janice, Edwin, and I drove to Greenville to do some shopping. I went to TJ Maxx and Ross along with some random shoe stores. I wanted to buy moccassin's but I know they are cheaper in Rocky Mount at the mall so i'll get them tomarrow. Anyways though, all that and all that time spent and I only bought two pairs of jeans. Nice jeans they are, but I think I need to buy some tops to go on my body. We'll worry about it later though.

Anyways i'm sure you are all wondering what my resolutions are... so let me list them.

1. Get back into working out/running!
2. Design and stick to a study schedule!
3. No procrastination, but more organization!
4. Get a job!
5. Be more assertive!
6. Drink more water!
7. Have at least one salad a day.
8. Read at least one book (for pleasure) a month.
9. Dress to impress each day and learn that cheaper is not better.

Thats about it. I think number 3 is most important, followed closely by number 1. I really want to improve myself year to year and day to day. Resolutions can be easily broken, but the strength of character to see them through is part of the challenge. So wish me luck and welcome to a new year full of new ups and downs and highs and lows. Cya at the end!