goodbye my friends
I've decided this will be my last post in this journal (although i've learned to never say never). If you want to keep up with me and my continued journey head on over to http://www.livejournal/com/users/bonegurl.
Good luck to you all.
I found out this week that I have been accepted into the Brody School of Medicine.
Heck yes!
One part of the struggle is over a new chapter begins. I'm too excited (and a little scared). I'm really doing it; i'm really achieving my dream. I'm going to be Dr. Stewart one day.
Hoorah for me!
I know this entry is short, but there is no way I could type out all my excitement for ya'll to see or understand.
Oh and don't think that just because i'm in Greenville at ECU that my priorities have changed because I am now and forever will always be a TARHEEL born and a TARHEEL bred!!!!
life is so weird... especially mine
So.... i've been freaking out pretty much since graduation. I mean its hard to be calm when your life seems to have no plan or purpose and all your friends are moving on. So basically since the 14th of May i've been alternating between sadness, depression, anger, envy, and hopelessness. Like I said... I was freakin out... majorly.
I think things are getting better. Granted I didn't get into any medical schools (I was put on the alternate list at ECU), but I was offered a post-bach program by Albert Einstein. Well by the time this information came in mail; i'd pretty much lost all hope. So I was angry and felt like I didn't want to do it. But i'm going to be a doctor by any means necessary. So... i'm going to do it. I'm going to do the post-bach program. YAY (I think). It's going to be quite an adventure. I'm going to a completely new place where i've never been and know NOONE! But perhaps that will be best... that means I can focus on my schoolwork and such. Well... we'll see how things work out. It's still and awfully long ways away and I have alot of loose ends to tie up. But my mom will probably be lenient with me because she knows how stressed I am so hopefully i'll be able to visit alot of my friends before I leave in July. Well... heres to it.
Wish me luck!
Graduation bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am a UNC Chapel Hill Alumna! Betcha can't do it like me, what! Betcha can't do it like me, what!
I'm so happy and so thrilled. Everyone has been doing shoutouts, but I just can't. There are just so many people here who have made my time here at UNC special. Of course I want Brandon, Kathryn, Lashaun, Bobby, Arthi, Femi, Clayton to know they are in my heart forever.
To all my undergraduation friends, I love ya'll. Have fun cause the four years will fly by quickly.
Even though this is pretty short, I hope everyone knows what my time at Chapel Hill has meant to me.
I'm a Tarheel born; i'm a Tarheel bred and when I die i'm a Tarheel dead.
I'm out ya'll.
Forever gone to Carolina in my mind.
final finals time
So this is my last finals period. I'm more relaxed and less stressed... for now at least. To quote my friend DonJuan (yes that is his real, legal name) "I just can't seem to find my 'give a fuck'". I do care; just not about the exams i've had thus far. Well... to be honest... i've only had Afam and Psych, but Geology 18 is tomarrow. The one that is most important and also the hardest is Biology 169 aka Cancer Biology. That is on Tuesday which is the last day of finals. It's really stressing me out because the print labs on campus have RUN OUT OF FUCKING PAPER!!!!! Like... how am I suppose to print out these fuckin study guides? Bitches... bitches all of them.
But let me calm down.
Right now i'm at work and i'm in a deliriously good mood because my girl Shelby called me earlier. In case you aren't in the know Shelby is my blond running buddy from Guadalajara. She's over in Oklahoma just living it up because she is done with finals. Boo to her. But I can't hate... I just wish I was able to be as carefree. But come the 9th it'll be my time. So I just need to calm down.
Because my test schedule is so wack, I don't think imma be able to go on the senior trip to Kings Dominion on Sunday. One, I need to study and two, i'm poor now because I had to pay off my credit card and pay off a random school bill that popped up and pay for my cap and gown. I mean... I just feel like at the prices I paid (well technically my mom and my scholarships paid) I bought a cap and gown somewhere in there. But whatever....
Lord, I am suppose to be studying Geology 18 right now. Ok... let me get in one solid hour of studying before I shut down the office and go home.
But.... of course I have to talk about the boys, boys, boys!!!!!
So i'm still crushing on my newest crush. I thought I was over it because for two weeks he looked a hot mess; I feel bad being superficial, but I mean why? We're 11 days out, people. 5... 1... 4!!!! Another guy i'd shut down cause he was acting crazy, but it's all about being honest and I definately miss hanging out with him. We also got new possibilities, but i'm just not sure I want the drama that would go along with it. And finally we have an old ex that i'd love to see before I leave, but i'm not sure i'm ready. Unfortunately, we have the one I never quite got over as well. He's been popping up all over creation and it's kinda bothering me. Ew... go away.
But ok... for real this time, I gotta get to the studies.