Saturday, December 04, 2004

randomness to fabulousness to extreme wackness

So Thursday was the last GLBTSA mtg for this semester. There was a slide show from events from throughout the year... but why was the music so sad. I remember turning to Jeff and being like "Um... are we never going to see each other again? Cause i'm so sad right now." But anyways. The food was good... somebody threw down on those cookies and that bean dip. Cause it was off the chain.

Another question that pops in my brain: "Why did I get more action at the GLBTSA mtg than i've gotten from these wack straight UNC men?" I'm kinda disturbed and saddened by that but whatever.

Anyways, that was the randomness basically.

So later in the night I went off back to CCs again in Raleigh for my second gay club experience. So much fun was had; it was out of control. Of course I road out with my boy Bernard, but we join two more carloads of UNC people once we got there PLUS other UNC-ees rolled in later in the night. Basically all in all, UNC was representin STRONG at CCs that night. So why was I so drunk? I haven't been that drunk since the BGP after Fall Ball. Oh yea, that vodka mess was way to good to me. I wasnt out of control, but I was good for the rest of the night. I'm gonna need to regulate that though.

Anyways I had alot of fun. I met a celebrity too! I met Diana Prince once of the drag queens from the Drag Show. So yea for that. I also randomly saw one of my cousins there. It was too random! He saw me and was like "OMG... Jessica what are you doing here?!!" and was like "Ha... well... what are YOU doing here?" and he was like "Don't tell Uncle Rickey". Haha. So amusing; I need to call him over the holidays and stuff. I need to keep in touch with him anyways cause we are the same age and in the same year in college. If we want stuff from our family we need to have a united front.

Anyways so here's where the wackness comes in. We went to IHOP as per the post CCs tradition and the line if kinda long. Bernard and I were thinking about leaving, but they let some of our friends in before us and since they rode with us we have to go get them. So we go in to talk to our other friends and we tell the policeman with the list that we need to go tell our friends that we're leaving. So then the group we are suppose to be seated with gets in and we continue to stay seated instead of leaving. Why does crazy powertrippin cop come in there and tell us we have to go. We patiently try to explain that our party is already seated but he is yelling about how he's tired of this happeneing every single night and how we need to get back in line and wait til our names are called (but they already have been cause our party has been seated). Anyways so Bernard and I are both incredibley pissed which makes for a rather tense ride back to the Hill. But we got over it and we decided to forget it so when I tell the story from now own the wack ass policeman (a curse on him and his house) will not be mentioned.

So yay for getting back still drunk at like 5:30 am and yay for having to skip my 10 o clock class.


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